I hesitate to write. As more time passes since the previous posts on the 1st and 2nd chakras, I think of more and more things I should have included in those posts. There is just SO much information and I don't want to leave stuff out that could be helpful! Sigh. For now, I'll say what comes up--and if you have questions or want to talk something over-let me know! You guys are how I get motivated to write more! ;)
Okay....the third chakra is a big one. The color, or associated wave frequency, ;) is yellow. This energy center is located in your abdominal region and is associated physically with your stomach, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas and liver. This means, problems with digestion, ulcers, gallstones, liver problems, and pancreatic problems are signs that your third chakra needs some extra attention.
Your third chakra deals with your view of your self, your self worth. The highest truth for your third chakra is "I honor myself." A more complete truth would be, "I am a child of God and I honor myself." That's loaded right! What does it mean to honor yourself? Well, it means that you #1 recognize and honor your BOUNDARIES with others, #2 do your best to live in accordance with your TRUE, deep down beliefs, #3 recognize that your worth is not based on how much you do, or do not accomplish, on your income, your body type or anything else, it is inherent in you-regardless of where you have been or what you have done, #4 you truly believe that you are worthy of love and worth something.
Looking further into #1, honoring your boundaries, the third chakra can take a big hit in destructive relationships. If you have someone you love, or associate with, that judges you, or makes you feel diminished-on purpose or not, those interactions are detrimental to your third chakra. If you are very attached to that person, you will have an etheric cord connecting you to them from your solar plexus (or third chakra). We have negative cords and positive cords. We want to cut the negative cords so that we take our power back in those relationships. If you know for example, that every time you talk to a person, they are always critical of you and your choices, you want to cut the negative cords between you. (More on that shortly.) Doing this will help empower you to lovingly set up boundaries with them, and to not take their criticism to your gut should it arise again. It will also make it easier for you to stand up to them and kindly express the way you need to be treated.
#2-When we believe something is wrong, and do it anyway, it wears away at our feelings of self worth. It takes away the spiritual power that the Lord wants for his spiritual warriors. This applies mostly when we WANT to sin, not so much when we are living the best we can. It can however still effect your self worth if you allow your natural human weaknesses to take you into negative cycles of harsh self judgement. Our weaknesses are to help us stay humble, to help us recognize continually our dependence on the Lord and his atonement, NOT for us to beat ourselves up for our imperfections. Learning to access the power of the atonement daily will help empower your third chakra so that you can shine your light for the Lord.
#3-When you base your worth on anything external, it is false. When you tie something in your life to your self worth, and it goes wrong, you may feel sick to your stomach. If you placed your worth on how much money you can make, and you loose your job, you will feel worthless, and again, likely ill. If you place your worth on how physically cute or handsome you are, when you age, have an accident, or gain weight, your self worth will take a blow. I probably say this in every chakra post, but our bodies often give us signals as a wake up call for us to contact the spiritual physician. We are children of God, and our worth is inherent. When we do not feel of worth, we often won't receive feelings of unconditional love from our father in heaven, or anyone else.
#4-This has already been touched on, but when YOU believe that you have inherent worth, and that you deserve wonderful things, your light can shine brighter and it allows the Lord to bless you more. The Lord cannot bless you beyond that which you are ready to receive. Sometimes we do not really believe we are worth certain blessings (does that make sense?). You can even receive a Priesthood blessing and keep some of the blessings from happening from your disbelief. Disbelief in yourself can be a lack of faith, because YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD, and he has a tremendous work for you which you are completely capable and worthy of with His companionship. Any feelings about yourself that are less than that, are LIES, and will hurt your 3rd chakra.
There are many lies that we believe about ourselves that hurt our self worth and effect us here, in the third chakra. We may believe that we're not as smart, funny, capable, worthy of love, or blessings as someone else. Those things are not true. We, of course, cannot compare ourselves to others. Doing that is not honoring the beautiful, worthy, unique being that is us! (I was totally doing this, like last week, so don't think I apply all of this perfectly. But knowledge can really be a tool to help you realign with the highest truth when you recognize that your thoughts or feelings are off track..)
Hopefully that gives you a little bit of helpful information! I'm already thinking of more things that are important to the 3rd chakra, like forgiving ourselves. There is always so much I can say, but hopefully you have enough of a knowledge base that you will realize some more things that tie in. As always, if you have any specific questions or issues that you want to talk with my about, you are welcome to message me privately on facebook or post a question on here. As I mentioned before, I basically am only motivated to post when I have friends asking me questions. :)
We're all in this together! The Lord wants us to work through these things and claim the powerful blessings that he has for us so that we can be a light to the world! These are the last days, and he needs us all! The work that you do with him to heal yourself, is a sacred and important work.
Blesssings :)
Cutting negative cords: Do you think I'm crazy yet? Ok, you can do this with a specific person in mind, or you can do it in a general way and just include "all negative cords." In a prayer, get yourself feeling really connected to Heavenly Father, then let Him know that you are ready to cut all negative cords (or just the cords between you and the person you're thinking of) then in your minds eye envision, and maybe even feel, the cords dropping. After you feel that part has been done, ask for the remaining holes (on you and on the other people) to be filled with Christ's love and light. Remember you are only cutting negative cords. This does not mean you are cutting your entire attachment to this person, if you love them and want them in your life, you are just taking away the avenue on which you receive their judgement.
Wow. Very powerful--well expressed! Love how POSITIVE and full of spiritual learning it is!